

Another slow week spent mostly in bed, and with little to no energy for anything but the simplest of tasks. Saturday marks the 2nd week of coughing. And not just any random cough either. At first it was a dry cough, and one of those that eventually turn painful. Then, and thankfully only for a short time, came the fever. The cough eventually got a bit better, or at least not as dry. If that was due to the drug I got prescribed or not, who knows.


The first couple of days felt very much like covid, but as Ina and the kids remained unaffected that couldn’t be, or at least it didn’t feel likely to be. After a few days of coughing my breathing got heavier, and I got tired from pretty much any activity. By now I could even hear my lungs squeak like a broken accordion, or an old wooden rocking chair. I should probably have seen a doctor earlier, but now almost two weeks in, I did. Most likely bronchitis, she said, and if so there’s nothing much to do but wait, as there’s no real treatment for that other than to suffer for what’s commonly 3 weeks.

She took some tests, and my oxygen uptake level was lower than normal. An hour later and I’m at some other clinic for getting x-rays of my lungs. The result was sent back to the first doctor, but she had left to see a doctor herself, or rather a veterinarian, for her dog. Priorities. We’ll see tomorrow what the results say.

annoyances health life